Online Counseling, also known as telehealth, is when a client and their provider meet virtually instead of in person. The client receives the same quality
counseling as they would in the office, but over the Internet. Online counseling
lets clients seek help when meeting in an office is not convenient or comfortable.
The Mauriello Group is
happy to offer this service to current and future clients. Online counseling is available and appropriate for many people. To use online therapy, please consider these minimal
- Be in Pennsylvania: Our providers are licensed in PA. This means you must physically
be in PA to receive online counseling.
- Be Clinically Appropriate for Online Services: Not all client concerns can
be addressed over the Internet. Your provider can discuss the specific pros and cons.
- Be in a Private Space: It becomes your responsibility to find a spot free of distraction
and other people.
- Be able to Access the Internet: You need access to a good internet connection along
with a device with a camera and microphone.
- Be Comfortable with Technology: We make online counseling straightforward and simple,
but if technology is not your thing you may find online counseling too strange to be helpful.